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Volunteer Opportunities



The Pillager Family Center welcomes volunteers throughout our various programs including Food Shelf, Fun Stop, and Little Huskies Learning Center.  Opportunities include carrying boxes out on food shelf days, assisting teachers with play time, reading to children, homework help, and more!


A love for helping your community!



To find out how you can volunteer for the Food Shelf, contact Michelle at 218-746-4009. 


To find out how you can volunteer for Fun Stop (before and after school care), call Peggy at 218-746-2140 or email her at

To find out how you can volunteer for Little Huskies Learning Center call Ashley at 218-746-2148 or email her at

Donate, Volunteer, Non-Profit, Charity, Philanthropy, Support, Community, Need, Family Center, MN, Pillager
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